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Chain TWG Tea Salon and Boutique

Chain ที ดับเบิ้ลยู จี ทีซาลอน แอนด์ บูทิค

No. of branches: 2
Cuisine types:
European, Americas, Snacks/Desserts, American, Breakfast, French, Dinner, Drinks/Beverages, Steak, Coffee/Teas
Price range:
250-400 B
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เกี่ยวกับ Chain TWG Tea Salon and Boutique

TWG Tea, the finest luxury tea brand in the world, was founded in Singapore. Specializing in whole-leaf teas directly from the source estates, TWG Tea offers the largest tea list in the world, with over 800 different single-estate, fine harvests and exclusive blends from every tea producing country. Like a haute couture fashion designer, TWG Tea understands the evolving tastes of the modern tea drinker and develops special varieties created in collaboration with the world's most renowned estates. A veritable tea institution, TWG Tea is passionate about sharing its expertise and has become a point of reference for tea lovers thirsty for knowledge.

A symbol of taste and refinement, TWG Tea creates signature modern tea accessories as well as tea patisseries and other infused tea delicacies. TWG Tea is constantly shaping the aesthetic image underpinning all of their products and gourmet foodstuffs, updating and innovating even as they respect the Asian and European traditions of elegance and beauty on which the brand is based, now spiced with a touch of sensuality and originality.

Alcohol served: yes
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